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Either my RSS feed is broken or you are holding out on us! :)

Hey John,

We're actually opening our office in Dalian on 9/19. Too bad we'll miss you by a couple weeks!

Something popped in my mind regarding this post the other day while I was pondering open source and business.

I am glad to know (as has been my experience with Alfresco) that in determining a strategy for a market, making physical contact with the customer is part of the process.

Some people think that open source so changes the equation that customers download and install software without ever meeting the people behind the code. Some do. But I believe there is more of a need than ever before in this world (made small by technology) to know the customer; personally. We can never do enough to understand our customer’s current needs and reality, and anticipate their future needs.

Last year Davos seemed to propel you down a line of thinking I found really interesting; the psychology of web 2.0. Furthermore -- applied to content management.

Alfresco made a statement the day it went live: "Let the user work the way they want to – the way they are used to working (CIFS, content management that can take place in the background)." I think that is technology that is built on top of the psychology of its users. It meets the user where they are – and that is a great round 1!

Subsequent Rounds: – I hope this is more than just better user interfaces (sure that is a huge part of it) – but I think Alfresco has so much more to offer than that. I’d like to see subsequent rounds that are “experience stretching” for the user. But I think we want to expand the concept of user experience beyond the province of traditional UI. We need to go beyond ease of use to include transparency, participation, flow theory, emotional/personal hooks, innovation, and network effects – and it has to be simple despite being complex under the hood. So what is content management 2.0 and beyond? What does ECM look like in Shai’s construction (physical analog of the internet?)

I think I am looking forward to this trip as much as you are  I really enjoyed all of your thoughts from the last trip and I look forward to more of the same.

Have a good time!

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