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I know this isn't really the best place to do this, but I couldn't find an email contact for you on this site. Do you take material from outside contributors?

I work for IT Brand Pulse, an analyst firm that is currently expanding its practice to cover document management, unified communications and electronic document delivery. One of the things I'm interested in doing is having Frank Berry, our founder and senior analyst, start blogging on established sites like yours. Please let me know if you have any interest in adding an author to your site.

If are interested in adding Frank to your roster of contributing writers, or have questions about IT Brand Pulse and its services, please do not hesitate to call me at 714-273-1398 or email me.
Attached is an Industry Brief we published recently based on an interview with Mike Harding, GM of the JUNOS business unit at Juniper and Vikram Mehta, CEO of Blade Technologies. You can view the corresponding articles at:
Network Computing:

Seeking Alpha:
Our articles are widely syndicated because we tag them with stock symbols, so the Network Computing articles are picked up by Google Finance and the Seeking Alpha articles are picked up by Yahoo Finance.
In addition, our articles are widely distributed because they're popular. The #1, #3 and #4 most popular blogs on Network Computing right now are by Frank Berry.


Thank you, John & Alfresco. (Applause) Thank you.

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